Was the plan to create and post a tarot spread for every month something I dreamed up last year? Yes. Did it take me until February to make it happen? Also yes. 😅
I may be a month behind, but better late than never—so here it is: the Tarot Spread of the Month!
February comes from the Latin Februa, which means " to cleanse." This is a month of purification, renewal, and introspection. As the last full month of winter, it invites us to clear away stagnant energy, set strong foundations, and nurture our planted intentions.

Pick your favorite deck, or something that screams a fresh start and begin shuffling:
|February Prompts|
The overall theme for the month
One thing I'm still dragging around that's ready to be released
something about me to fall in love with again
How to fuel my passions, desires, and creativity this month
A small action or intention I can set now, to nurture and grow for the abundance spring will bring me
February Correspondences
Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces
Element: Air, Water
Sabbat: Imbolc
Colors: Light blue, Violet, Black, red
Flowers/Herbs: Hyssop, Rose, Primrose, Spikenard
Crystals: Amethyst, Moonstone, Obsidian, Topez, Pearl
Energy: Purification, Growth, Self-love, Self-forgiveness, Fertility, Acceptance, Beginnings